Les restos du Cœur. Andrea

On vous promettra pas
A tous les recalés de l'âge et du chômage
Aujourd'hui, on n'a plus le droit
Je te promets pas le grand soir
Autrefois on gardait toujours une place à table
J'ai pas mauvaise conscience
J'ai pas de solution pour te changer la vie
In France, there are associations to help the most in need. This song, named “Les restos du Coeur”, is the song which represents one of these associations which carries the same aim. This song has the goal of transmitting a message to us, that of poverty and inequality in the world. This song is addressed to the homeless (according to the three first couplets); moreover, it tries to make it comprehensible for us that it is necessary to know to share, that selfishness brings us nothing. It is just a question of devoting our time to people who are really in need and of knowing how to make a gift. Andrea
Etiquetas: English
Resto du coeur is for me a very good association for poor people , without house. this song is very beautiful because it chows the poverty
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